Rediscover Health, Well-being, and the Joy of Movement.


Looking to Start (or Resume) Physical Activity?

We believe that sports and health are the key to feeling good, especially when the activities we engage in are tailored to our individual needs.

No more monotonous exercises and rigid programs, our Adapted Physical Activity (APA) sessions are designed to be both effective and fun, allowing you to regain your smile while taking care of your health.

Regular Practice, Adapted to Your Condition and Desires.

Imagine moving at your own pace, breathing in the pure air of Cantal, and feeling a revitalizing energy enveloping you!

We are passionate experts, specifically trained to accompany you on your health journey.

Whether you're a child, an adult, or a senior, our programs are tailored to all levels of fitness and medical conditions.



Good for the Body and the Mind!

Indulge in our activities, always varied, ranging from invigorating Nordic walking to gentle outdoor gymnastics, including relaxation sessions (ideally in nature).

With Cantal Nature, each APA session is an adventure in itself, where you'll discover the pleasure of movement and interacting with others.

Our APA sessions are conducted in groups, but workshops are always personalized to meet your needs and health goals.

Whether you're looking to improve your physical condition, alleviate chronic pain, or simply enjoy a wellness break, we have the perfect solution for you.

Currently, many health insurance policies cover adapted sports health sessions; we handle all the procedures if yours offers this.

To learn more about our APA programs and begin your journey to a healthier and happier life:

Request a "customized" quote

Or contact us directly: